Hmm.... so you're wondering why you'd trust two of the most successful guys in the most competitive market in the most competitive city in the United States? Well, if the proof isn't in our MULTIMILLION DOLLAR ENTREPRENEUR NETWORK, then let's try to make our argument, let's say, a little more convincing. This is who we are!
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I'm Todd M., I am the originator and president of "Play With Friends". After receiving my prestigious my Master's of Engineering in Business Relations from Z. E. B. S. in Germany, one of the most prestigious international programs of business relations to be able to enter in. I started wheeling and dealing in the money game once I learned that I could set my own destiny. I have always been inspired by the moguls of the world and wanted to join their ranks and now I have been able to thanks to the thought processes I have developed with "Play With Friends" over the years. You want to know some project's I've had a hand in? Try the original advertising campaigns for things like Tesla Roadster, Sony, Jamba Juice, and even IBM. I've probably had a hand in companies you use every day and even might be using right now to read this very text. You wanna be like me? Hop in!![]() |
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Hi, I'm G.W., short for Greg W., and I'm the Senior Executive here at "Play With Friends". I've been studying immensely under the leadership of Todd M. and his original "Play With Friends" program. After spending years working at some of America's top advertising and financial firms, I decided I had enough and wanted to become in charge of my own life. Lucky for me, I began the program immediately as it was just starting up years ago. I invested thousands of dollars into the vision here and look at me now - I am successfully partner of one of the top leading do-it-yourself programs to the help of the people of the world learn financial independence and take back their lives and their health. ![]() |
Not enough proof for you? Well, here's some testimonials from members of the "Play With Friends" financial community
(of which, you should ask yourself - are you going to be the next member?):
Juan Hernandez, 313 W Enos Dr Santa Maria, CA 93458 writes:
I've been very blessed by God and life has never really been that tough for me, except for a portion of my first decade, when we lived in slumlord conditions in Los Angeles. Then it was middle class all the way, until retirement and the great early 21st century financial collapse we are all the victims of. Since 2007, money has been as scarce for me as for most in the world, and always way shorter than my month! "Play with Friends" to the rescue! Now, since working in and out of the networking industry for 48 years, I've joined the best and simplest, most lucrative worldwide membership program ever created for the average person, and I'm honored to be upline and downline to one of "Play with Friends"'s greatest teams.
Richard Jackson, B Florence Avenue #F, Irvington, New Jersey 07111-1344 writes:
I contracted Lymes disease this summer from a tick bite. I ended up very sick and when I was diagnosed they prescribed an antibiotic. This is the second year in a row I've gotten the disease. Last year when I was given the same prescription it was $4.00 at Walmart. This year I expected the same and was shocked to find out the cost had gone from $4.00 to $114.00. We didn't have that much extra at the time and I had received a couple of other discount cards in the mail. So I went to Walmart to get the prescription and gave the pharmacist the first card I'd received in the mail and she said there's a couple of dollars off on this one. The next one I had received in the mail she said no discount from this on. My heart was sinking about the fact I was going to have to pay full price so I said I have one more card left, would you check on that one. Let's just say, I went with the "Play with Friends" program after that and I'm the healthiest I've ever been and didn't even have to spend a dime. In fact, I'm making plenty off of this new approach!
And last... maybe these will look familiar?